Thursday, 18 December 2008

Done, done and done

This was a test piece for the word absorb. I animated lines that I had made in illustrator to move into the centre of the word gradually turning it to black, the idea had come from some of the early thunbnails that we had done in the workshops. I am pretty happy with the overall effect.

This next video is an earlier version of my final piece I was fairly happy with it but I felt that the way that absorb turned into boom didn't work very well and also I had used Ariel rounded as the typeface for 'boom' because I wanted to keep it consistant with the typeface I had used for absorb, but I didn't feel this worked as well a Geist which I had initially used for boom.

This is my final piece I managed to iron out all the little niggles I wasn't happy with on the previous version, and I got the timing bang on overall I am pretty happy with how it turned out.

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